
it's a legit criticism of the damn films, son.

i think that a lot of games with "factions" could benefit from a "oh, screw you guys" option.

how udderly horrific.

that is… not what racism is at all. i think you need to take up the quest for truth again.

ok! i'll be more specific too. making this show would have done fuck-all for any of those things too. but it probably would have been racist, so there's that!

this is a statement that is technically true! not making a tv show will also not change the reality of the christian world, the neo-pagan world, or the world of squirrels. there are so many worlds that not making a tv show will never change the reality of.

those wacky foreign criminals! they think that they're people!

wasn't there an episode of pushing daisies where olive (as a child) was accidentally kidnapped? by friendly criminals, or something?

i just can't imagine what sort of conversation they expected to "surround" this pilot.

so… a teleporter accident?

if they do, then yes, they are being awful. completely and totally awful.


the people complaining about the show's premise being offensive are not necessarily the nation state of saudi arabia.

ok, fine. you should hate whichever side uses phrases like "anti-american tweeters"

neither did the hostages!

perhaps the side that isn't horrifically racist!

The AV Club

killed by his own creation?

"looks like his development… was arrested* **."

turns out everyone was ghosts