
call me old fashioned, but i think that emily post's "etiquette on inductions" still has a lot of good advice for the rock and roll halls of fame of today.

i'll wait for the report in this month's issue of nun's life.

i'm sure you're just jealous of the fact that he even has one.

man, if you're going to not induct a guy into the rock and roll hall of fame, you should at least call him. sending a text is just rude. that's like, not inducting a guy into the rock and roll hall of fame etiquette 101.

yeah, it really does come across as almost robotic.

i don't think it should come as any surprise that arcade fire lack soul and/ or funk.

to the intense disappointment of foot fetishists everywhere.

that is foolish. you are a fool.

science has shown that children as young as two can sense and be harmed by the idea of a raised middle finger


nothing else about this bothers me at all, but that? that's just ten kinds of ridiculous. god damn branding.

i don't want to be hugged by a house. i don't want to think about how that would work.

don't mix the two actions up.

he's the world's happiest sapient cheeseburger, i think

well, i think that she almost has to do something like that. vomit is pretty played these days.

not knowing about the world's most preeminent parrot band is the worst crime.

yes. i mean, the first time i made a character in skyrim, the opening was pretty fun and exciting. the third and fourth times? not so much. a simple "skip this section" would have been so nice.

oh man, yes. i don't even know why they include those tutorials, as they usually never update them either.

i get the point of them, and i guess that they're a tradition in the series, but i absolutely cannot stand the tutorial segments in the elder scrolls games. morrowind is the only one that i found remotely bearable, as it was short. i just love making new characters, so to have to do the same tiresome twenty minute (or

"this is the true story of ordinary men, made extraordinary"