
oh not anyone!

i… kind of want to try a kfc pot pie.

it won't work. the mere mention of her name is enough to increase trolling levels by at least 79%.

that's no rookie bear, that's beartato!

yes, yours is a noble calling.

to think, without the internet you would not have been able to be a dick about this!

i'm going to go update my livejournal!

also one of nostradamus' less well known quatrains.

old reels of catfish cavendish, in "the man and the lady"

the 90's really are back.

and so our long national nightmare continues.

ten years from now, twenty somethings will post nostalgic brain waves on about how games used to be good back in the early teens.

america: "we won the battle of new orleans!"
britain: "yeah, well we burned down your white house!"

"something from the room"!

piggy would make for a fan- a wonderful invisible woman, considering how she would react to people not being able to see her.

the war of 1812 is one of those wars in history, i think, where everyone just kinds of stepped back, looked at the ground in embarrassment, and said "let's… let's just pretend that never happened, ok?"

see i still think you're mainly looking at things from the top down. telling people who are already oppressed that they need to wait is… just not good.

in some ways, yes. but that does not support the argument that progress can only be, or should only be, slow.

jim henson's brand name babies.

a warwulf!?