
I love to drive.

Of course the WSJ supports the most vague of the ideas, seems to be all they do these days.

@ps61318: Damn, you beat me to it.

@MayorBloomberg: Actually, there is. Everytime an app is installed on Android, the OS tells you exactly what the app has access to. It's people's ignorance that causes things like this. If a wallpaper app needs access to your phone and contacts, then it's probably not something you should install.

@JAlexoid: What are you talking about? This system is the only copy protection system that Android will have. The Market does not check to see if you own an app yet, only what apps you downloaded through the Market and what needs updates.

@MayorBloomberg: Rooters and ROM-flashers don't have anything to worry about with this at all..only pirates do. Grouping them all similarly is incorrect, but I do agree that this is a good thing. It's about time there was copy protection on Android's apps.

@Eddard: An app comparison to a microwave really doesn't work.

@stryder100: It's not something that happens everytime the app is'll be handled the exact same way an app gets an update from the Market.

@ectocooler: It's no different than the Market already contacting your apps for updates.

@xaronax: That's not how it works. It doesn't check the app everytime it gets opened, that would annihilate battery life.

Quote from Droid-Life:

@techguy78: Must have missed the link, but thanks for the sarcasm.

Only 421mb? Geez

I'm sorry, but if your only source for this has a reputation for being incorrect, why would you report on it?

@MikeSWelch: Then you have to have a bad app running that's draining your battery.

I'd love a higher resolution..this is 2010, after all.

@Alex Brewer: I like to know details. On my entire flight to London from NY, I was constantly checking to see how fast we were going and what our elevation was on the head-rest monitors.

What's the point?
