
I find that the added bonus of this approach, an acknowledgement you you don’t have this perfectly down, is that it keeps a little insecurity alive in you. That insecurity makes me double check the work and doesn’t let me let good enough be enough. I always tell people my secret weapon is self-doubt.

My wife and I like to ask each other “Are you Sammi and Ronnie done or are you done-done?”

Damn SJP plays that wolf is sheep’s clothing well! She spent years trashing, taking away money from and creating terrible storylines for Samantha and now she is heartbroken Kim Cattrell said they were never friends. I have to side-eye SJP to oblivion because her history of being with terrible men, being bff with this

Exactly! This is a snowball waiting to roll downhill

Here’s the problem for FB about this. Once you cut back on using FB, the easier it is to stop thinking of and thus visiting FB altogether. I’m in week 4 of my self-imposted social media banishment and the last 10 days I’ve rarely even thought about it. In another couple of weeks it’s likely that I’ll be on there once

What the fuck? Why did you feel the need to bring up Fox news or the SOTU in this question about how to clean a dryer?

I have to clean a device whose sole purpose is to clean things???

I really like that Dane Cook clenches his fist in every photo to enhance his arm muscles and that he obviously thinks no one will notice this.

Remember that rumor that was going around in the 90's that Paul was Marilyn Manson? So funny.

Sneaks on a Plane

yep, I remember, SFO or San Jose? I can’t remember, though I think it was San Jose.

Some might find this interesting, but I don’t see it taking off.

“I don’t care about how much I get paid; I’m in an industry where we’re overcompensated for the work we do.”

Why does she need to say anything? Why do we immediately turn to the closest woman and burden her with the responsibility of answering for some shitty man’s actions? Why does it always bounce back on women?

Does anyone else get the impression that “gay up until the point of intercourse” means, “I hate women, but goddamnit, I want to have sex with women”? 

I’ll pay the postage.

Is there somewhere we can read these testimony transcripts in full? I’d like to print one out and mail one to Larry Nassar every goddamn day for the rest of his miserable shitstain of a life.

I don’t want to read these, because they make me sick and very sad. But I force myself to do so because the victims deserve to be heard.

Mo’Nique is a better stand up comedian than Schumer. Schumer is a more well known name than Mo’Nique. The over $10M discrepancy, however, weighted with what Wanda is saying about her experience, is racism.

The Royal Family really needs to stop with this “We’re Totally Normal” charade. We get it. Monarchies are pointless in 2018. You’re terrified of getting turned out on the street as legislative bodies wonder what’s the point of your existence. You want to seem as plebian as possible in the hopes public opinion will