
I would also argue that art is a conversation, and that it serves as a focal point for discourse. As you’ve acknowledged, the meaning of art can change depending on context.  It is a tribute to the market’s resilience, but also to American capitalism. People don’t look at the market in the same way they did in the

The death penalty is not the only way to bring someone to justice. So no, she is not denying the families justice by not pursuing the death penalty.

I dunno. I live in a Francophone area, and dine with predominantly French speakers all the time. I have a limited command of French, meaning I am an excellent reader and can hold some conversation, but I absolutely cannot keep up when people are holding fast-paced conversations. Sometimes, it is easier for people to

Well, if you ever want the numbers, crunching those stats is what I do. There are so many fun metrics to call out such hypocrisy!

Lolololol. New Orleans has consistently higher levels of income inequality... I hope you have pointed that out to her.

Wine dabbler here! I went from disliking the taste of wine (yes, I was young) to reveling in discovery. My budget may not allow me to indulge that often, but I love hearing the stories behind wine. I really connect to wine as a representation of place.

I have earned an undeserved reputation as the ‘wine person’ in my

Ahem... small note... the male version of a succubus is an incubus.

Oh ho ho! Just went and looked at that thread, and I got tired of rolling my eyes. We have religious crazies up north too! Some of them may be a little more libertine (Holy shit, I just called Catholics libertine lolololol), but they still cling to that bible, and confession to wash away the sins they know they are

I don’t even understand the level of cognitive dissonance that goes on when people make any claims about no racism in the North. Growing up in majority Catholic burbs in New England, racism was everyone’s favorite ‘joke’. It wasn’t even hidden.  

That claim makes my blood boil. Every time.

Same effects too.

Are wigs and hairpieces only for women now? Doesn’t make it ‘girl hair’.

Look at what the woman who was on the panel where Bill O’Reilly insulted Maxine Water’s hair did.

Totally agree.

I don’t wear make up, a) because I don’t like the feel of it on my face and cannot be bothered most of the time, and b) because of societal pressure to look a certain type of “presentable” and erase every blemish. No thanks. That said, I admire the transformative powers of make up, as well as its

That money is also going toward you.

Think the infrastructure you use everyday was built for free?

Well, if they are not raised in a CAFO, that’s already miles better than cheap beef.

Thanks! I think that’s fair. Our policy is built on a Keynesian foundation, and suffered many neoliberal edits throughout the years. .

Ha, I know! Which is why when anyone tells me (my father) that they are fiscally conservative, socially liberal AND claim to be a Republican, I have to scoff at the inability to

Keynesian policy may pop up every now and then, but it is definitely dominated by far more common austerity and market-based policies. I agree, I don’t think Trump’s push to for infrastructural development is a result of cogent economic thinking, or adherence to any ideology. I think he may half-remember things that

But Keynesian policy fell out of fashion long ago. It may have had a renaissance with the bailout, but that does not a pattern make. They are pretending, if they haven’t noticed that neoliberal economic policy became de rigeur in the Reagan-Thatcher era, and entrenched throughout the Bush and Clinton years. Economic

You are forgetting about effective segregation in Worcester and Springfield. Massachusetts extends west, and there is lots of racism there too! Don’t forget about us! /s

As a statistician, you are forgetting about the data points included in the article. Namely, anecdotes and experiences that are used to triangulate and support basic statistics. Yes, you could probably create an incredibly sexy model that would go into the drivers of the under-representation of women in the industry.