
When the mosque in Victoria, TX burned down, folks at the local synagogue gave the homeless congregation keys.

This doesn’t just mean intolerable conditions created by institutions. It can also refer to behavior by private actors (this could be an exploitative and polluting firm or a hateful bigot who gets off on inciting his followers to harass Others), that inflicts some type of violence on others (not limited to physical

If one condemns violence, one must also condemn the conditions and circumstances that spur such reactions.
“But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that

Given they created Clone High, I will trust them with any project.

I’m sure this film will appeal to people other than Freud. 

True, but part of what climate change is doing is increasing the frequency and intensity of such weather events. The events in and of themselves are not strange. It’s the increasing frequency of occurrence. As well as increasing magnitudes (although we will have to wait on see on that).

I just wish that one of the other folks at the table would call attention to her bullshit too. Redirecting the conversation makes the other panelists seem complicit in these silencing tactics.

Is she really arguing that she has a right to touch someone without their permission? Damn, her entitlement is absurd.


I love that trilogy. I would have loved to have books like that on my syllabi in school!

I really hope he brought up how unacceptable the border shenanigans have been. Here in QC, multiple Canadians with Moroccan roots (not even a country included in the ban) have been denied entry, and have had their phones searched. Trudeau you better start going to the mat. We are tired of your waffling.

It is about the middle class, but I’m not sure they are the target audience. In the field of income inequality, there hasn’t been a lot of attention paid to the middle class in recent years. Most work has been done about top incomes or the lowest wage earners. Right now we find ourselves in more of a bipolar wage

I was confused about how many cheers he was getting when he was berating her after the fact... I thought cheering at a comedy show only happens when something is funny.

Then I remembered that these are folks that paid to see his show.

That’s how I watched the first series too! Then my friend had a Region 2 version of the second series, so I used up my laptop dvd player ‘region switches’ to watch it. It was so worth it.

Remember The Bay’s colonialist roots.

“People who talk about revolution and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive about love and what is positive in the refusal of constraints, such people have a corpse in their mouth.” - Raoul Vaneigem

Not gonna feed the troll, so I’ll just drop this here.

I’m right there with you. The only thing that brightened this victory was how happy it made my gran.

As a New Englander and a Pats fan, I had real issues watching the game last night. It mostly stems from Brady not being held accountable for his clearly political actions, while Kaepernick’s feet are held over a fire for a reasonable political stance. I was actually relieved when the Patties were down.

But then they

Back when I tore both my ACLs (also from skiing), I wasted it by watching the first two seasons of the OC and the Greys Anatomy (although, somehow, I discovered Krystof Kieslowski during that time).

You act as if nationalization isn’t something that the Chinese government is willing to do.

Well, war isn’t the only bad thing that could happen from strained US-China relations. I was actually thinking more in terms of economic stability.

I have been having heart palpitations since he took the Taiwan call. And then I saw this yesterday. I am so anxious. A major US debt holder preparing for the worst. Meeeep!