
I’m not the only one that sees this pokemon’s giant erection pressing up against his stomach am i?

This game did a cross over with Planet of the Apes at one point and that version of it was amazing. The regular is fine too. This post has nothing to do with the Corona Virus.

Decapitating doesn’t really work ... I mean the body stops moving but the head still wants to bite. Gotta destroy the brain.

Where’d you get your shirt bro.

I always enjoy the renegade playthrough the most, that’s why I generally play Light Side/Paragon in these sorts of games first (KotoR/Mass Effect/That asian one) the reward for being a goody two shoes for a full playthrough is getting to then go crazy ass jerk in the second. But this also has meant a few times that

I think it will always be the case, i could ‘maybe’ see a few lesser known shoes being dropped all at once, but they are of the belief that they need to spread it out to get us to keep our sub for more than a month, so they will keep doing it.

It’s the snowflake argument that every douche bag gamergate kid makes, just fancied up to make him seem like he is actually saying something new, and not re-hashing a bullshit excuse to be racist/sexist/homophobic/whatever.

He was the ‘lone cyberman’ not the ‘last cyberman’

Whose bets are on 2 seasons? It’s SyFy so that’s my best guess.

Am I the only one that thinks Shar is an overreacting dumb bitch? Like you made a reservation online and were given notice that it was an error ... online systems are all shit.

If you honestly believe that you obviously don’t know what facts are.

“Stop being a luddite and install Windows 10.”

It’s probably too much to hope that somehow the doctor/yaz/et al have traveled into the dimension that Rose got sent to, and that we’ll get a Rose cameo/episode this season as well. Just thinking it probably means it will never happen :(

In the space of one console you could easily fit like what ... 50 games? I feel like that’s a low estimate even. Each game is worth say ... 80 brand new? That’s only 1700 games across 4 store that doesn’t seem that undo able honestly.

Can’t they just put Filoni in charge and then they’ll be fine.

What a world to live in where Eminem is an advocate for gun control.

I came here to say this.

Stop letting idiots use computers.

Romaine is fine now, and even then it was mainly just the stuff out of Salinas, just check where the farm you get it is from if you’re worried, but realistically if it’s in the store today it should be 100% okay.

How about, since you are an adult and hopefully brush your teeth in the morning and at night ... you just do it with them. You need to do it anyway.