I have two theories that are not mutually exclusive:
I have two theories that are not mutually exclusive:
I think aside from the obvious reasons it’s a legacy issue. His obit will say he wasn’t just a snake oil shyster but that he also ran for president, and it gives his offspring a bit of a pedigree. Politics is becoming a hereditary affair in America.
There have been no crowds like this.
Yeah yeah. It’s cool they won their case and all. But more importantly, I want to do FILTH with Adam Horovitz.
Eighty six dollars?
“Hey, you’re black, right?”
Can you imagine a teacher that feels this way teaching black students? How do you think she interacts with them, grades them, punishes them? There’s a reason why black children are more likely to be recommended for special ed —teachers/administrators that believe in segregation.
A week ago people like her were defending Josh Duggar, a guy who molested his sisters at 14years old. Now they’re condemning a 14 year old unarmed black girl for being brutalized by Officer BarrelRoll?! Yeah, sure! It’s not about race.😒😕😠😤😡
Seems to me there’s an easy and obvious solution. Make more money than your husband but tell him you make around the same. Then, every day, leave an envelope stuffed with 20’s on your front porch just before he gets home.
Yes, let’s question the motives of a sexual assault victim, because that’s never a fucked up thing to do...
#TeamWhiteWalkers! I cannot wait for them to DECIMATE that daughter-and-brother-killing grammar/actual Nazi and creepy ginger Phyllis Schlafly and Stark-betraying man-flaying Roose Bolton and his sadistic penis-severing rapist son. The White Walkers are coming for you, motherfuckers, and Zombie Queen Shireen will lead…
Seems like a pretty serious oversight.
so, what’re you all doing tonight?
Also it just sounds like an antidepressant.
anyone else think the name “flibanserin” sounds like a Don Martin sound effect?
I guess it works.
Still a better love story than Twilight.
I have never had the courage to watch Entourage, because I don’t want it to ruin my crush on Adrian Grenier. A crush that developed by watching Drive Me Crazyvirtually every time it was on teevee from 2000 on.