
late to the game on this one. this was on reddit weeks ago. im guessing thats why you guys are just now reporting on it... 

ok, so i ordered from this place last night because my son loves burgers and wanted to get it. it was terrible. the burger was not good and the bun was almost wet. the fries were cold and seemed microwaves but their mushiness. super disappointed that i paid for this at all let alone how much it cost (not cheap). ya

definitely wouldnt trust you for drill recommendations

definitely wouldnt trust you for drill recommendations

how can you justify your paycheck by writing this drivel? serious question.
you arent a good writer and dont have anything interesting to say. you write for a gaming focused website but complain about holes.. kotaku sucks and you helped contribute to that.

you bought a 130 dollar charger??? hahahahahaha, youre a donut.

the asian man doesnt work for river trading post. he owns a condo in the building. that poor business is getting tons of phone calls and comments on their yelp and other review pages.

did she drug and rape dudes

of fuck off with this. its been 4 years of shit from this asshole. ever heard “you reap what you sow”

who gives a fuck..... buy the game, dont buy the game. quit fucking crying about it.  this is tiring. 

“oh sean, even though this game is terribly boring and doesnt, in the least, resemble what you promised, ill still buy everything you make and all your merch.” -Keego94

it isnt a fun game. they made a couple small games that could qualify as mobile games. this was waaaaay to ambitious and for their skills and it shows. i bought it from the bargain bin. tried it. found it terribly boring and not a good looking game. if it, in any way, resembled the game shown in the trailer it would

but its just now becoming the game they initially promised. refer to the first trailer released. does it look anything like that at all? the subreddit is just pictures of the same 10 creatures with varying limb sizes sulking around. i wont buy a hello Games  made game because of it.

the game is good. im hispanic and theirs no hispanic deities in this game. do you think i care? no, because they arent real. just play the game and stop worrying about shit that doesnt mattter.

you are an idiot. of course these people benefit from the purchase. if it didnt sell and they start laying people off its because the product didnt do well and wont be able to fund the next project. im going to have a stroke one day from dumbasses like you.

if you think that her thoughts caused people to kill themselves then not only are you a dipshit but so are the people offing themselves over a fantasy authors beliefs

stop fucking whining. if she sold the rights to use for the game, then she got paid. who gives a fuck, if you want to play the game, play the game. if you arent interested then dont buy it. the constant whining from kotaku staff is tiring

zendaya? really? shes the fuckin worst.

another winner posted by Quentyn. is this all they let you do?  just short paragraphs for shit products that you have to shill. 

another winner posted by Quentyn. is this all they let you do?  just short paragraphs for shit products that you

this thing is hideous. My smart watch has a larger screen. i dont understand this at all. just buy a different portable with a battery. the amount of these that will actually be sold means absolutely nothing to future waste

exactly. it isnt like this site is black owned. this is a bullshit article by somebody who believes they are a journalist but in reality just writing shit pieces for a shit site owned by assholes.