
thank you, this “article” is ridiculous. you are absolutely right, this helps cultivate a larger divide because of this personal opinion of this one person. i’m hispanic and could care less how many white people choose to support the fact that i just want to live my life. the root is theee worst. unfortunately the

After your terrible recommendation for a router, I won't be giving any of your deal recommendations a second look.  Is this all they let you do? 

After your terrible recommendation for a router, I won't be giving any of your deal recommendations a second look. 

who? how is this news? do people still watch MTV? can you report on something that matters?

after your hat in the other video from the other day, i just cant take you seriously

im hispanic and live in a mixed community. there isnt any testing in any neighborhood until you get way out into the suburbs or go to an urgent care. when i felt the need to get a test. i took the bus to the nearest one and got tested. i dont understand the issue here. instead of complaining just go where they are.

why are you trying to sell this piece of shit router with a gimmicky screen and bad performance to your readers? after some digging, it seems the screen freezes a lot for most owners, the security is god awful and its “amplified antennas” is just some made up non sense. do some research before you starting spewing

why are you trying to sell this piece of shit router with a gimmicky screen and bad performance to your readers?

88 dollars for a pillow?!  wow, what a deal

88 dollars for a pillow?!  wow, what a deal

does this site just complain about white people in every article? this isnt interesting or worth reading. its boring and repetitive

god this site is garbage, i bet you call yourself a journalist also. 

you must have missed what he said. the cards already are only a color and a number. this is stupid

sometimes minimalist means lazy. this is one of those times. this literally took no effort.  Helen Keller could have designed these

extremely overpriced and for what? quit trying to advertise this trash. “tech journos” that hype mac trash like this dont know what they are doing.

this is tiring. do i need to relate to a character to appreciate a game? im a mexican dude, i prefer that im not playing as a short mexican guy in horizon zero dawn (a character i share absolutely nothing i common with). i just want to play something fun. it may not be that way for everyone but i dont feel a developer

ogio renegade rss

sweet. lots of bras and womens clothing....

sweet. lots of bras and womens clothing....

i think they kinda look stupid and thrown together.

Jesus.. Evan please shut up