
I thought I heard something outside Sunday Night. I think it was the faint howl of a wolf, so it must have been Rob

Outside the suite at an autograph booth

Looks red to me. Must be the lights?

Another STRONG TAEK by Pete Prisco

Rick Reilly: OK State Hostesses Do The Right Thing

But the guy who sold it to me assured it was just sleeping!

You know it's bad if you want to live in Florida if you aren't (a) old (b) playing sports there or (c) dealing drugs

"I don't know - I was busy recruiting a 4-star prospect!"

The Nike guys also thought the 7th Doctor's costume needed more question marks

Von Miller liked that film before you did

Von Miller watched that film before it was cool

Summer isn't over yet. He's still lurking beaches looking for Jewish people swimming


If it wasn't for you specifying a "sorority girl" I'd assume Raysism was asking

And that was after the Haynesworth signing

Nowadays, it's trying to match all the other gloreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sites and buy itself a championship right next to ESPN and PFT, all to chug down those sweet, sweet advertising dollars. The sports gods are not happy.

Or "Why Drunken Assholes Suck"

every station we could find was talking about high school football.

Toronto? Guessing you worked long ago enough that you don't have any crazy Rob Ford stories?

Is Doug secretly Boss Todd?