No one gets shot if this guy is transferred from jail to ICE custody.
That’s what really stood out to me as well. Goddamn let that woman have an afternoon to herself.
That sentence is a grammatical nightmare of double negatives that I have read dozens of times now trying to parse it out. The clear intention is that she was trying to say that he doesn’t believe that Bryant forcibly raped anyone. But the way the sentence reads is the exact opposite if you consider the two negatives…
Dude, you replied to a comment from March, 2019.
This is one of those half full/empty things. It is depressing to look at his support never changing much, but the flip side of that is the disapproval is equally as solid and has been in the majority his entire term.
It gets confusing because people sometimes use “straight” to mean “heterosexual AND cis,” because people tend to confuse gender identity with sexual preference. Usually, though, someone who’s attracted to the gender they identify as is thought of as gay, and someone who’s attracted to the opposite is straight. But…
Yes. A cis-man or a trans-man that is sexually attracted to women (be they cis or trans themselves) would be straight. So he would be a straight cis-man or straight trans-man. If he is attracted to men, he’d be a gay cis-man or a gay trans-man.
Considering the NoFap crew is part of the Alt RIght, you may be on to something.
Go on, tell us how you’re an ex-SEAL terrorist puncher with 312 fights “in the street.”
Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it…
Jason, I love you and all, but it is not pronounced LAYGO. It’s Lego.
Transparency is in order.
Fuck baby Yoda. He’s a merchandise delivery system. There. I said it. Seriously though, fuck him.
Yup name brand is a scam.
And how does a person respond to something like this? How does a woman who started reading this website as a teenager, who used to seek refuge here when her ideas about gender and equality were shot down by her friends, peers, and sometimes even family, who for some reason imagined this place as being a center for…