Our Lady of Negotiable Affection

Here’s the thing: there is no one way to be productive in a movement. Remember, people needed lunch counter sit-ins (The Greensboro Four), freedom rides (SNCC), etc. just as much as they needed literacy programs (Septima Clark), lobbying for voting rights (NAACP, etc.), and artists who use art to empower (Nina Simone,

Yeah, I’m sure they’ve never redlined anyone.

Nobody is going to Google black lives matter to understand it more? That’s quite the sweeping generalization you have there. Not to mention the large presence on Twitter that educates. And I don’t understand how you can say the movement isn’t productive when it’s the sole reason mainstream media actually started

Yes, it does help the cause because making people uncomfortable is part of the cause, as it has been in most progressive causes in this country for quite a while. Plus, the Never 21 group is just a small section of the Black Lives Matter movement. Much like the Civil Rights Movement of the mid-20th century, there are


You mean the War of Northern Aggression?

If Gabourey was with you, shit really would have gone down.

I think it’s high time white people (myself included) just say “I’m racist”.

“Sometimes people need to be uncomfortable”

Oh, yes. It was all about commerce and states’ rights. A state’s right to own slaves and the commerce that was built on slave labor.

I took 2 years of US history in high school in the deep south, and we were taught unequivocally that the civil war had nothing to do with slavery. A lot of us knew better, but it’s easy to understand how people continue to worship the confederate flag and deny its associations with slavery...they’re repeating what

You know how sometimes clueless white people whine about not being able to use the N-word because black people can use the N-word in a positive way and white people should be able to use it that way too?

Now playing

After this week, I really think the redneck-types are on the verge of another attempt to start a civil war. Almost can’t wait...wiping them out a second time will be ever so much fun!

These ones look the white ones (as in they weren't just painted white). The black ones have caricatures of black faces. The nose would be broader I think if they were repaints.


Because clearly the issue was that we just didn’t possess their VCR operation prowess. “You say it can rewind AND fast forward?! Sorcery!”

As someone who will use the men’s bathroom when the line for the women’s is too long I can say with certainty that public facilities for either sex are pretty much equally disgusting. Let’s do away with bathroom gender an focus on a public campaign to shame people who pee all over the seat.

Please don’t speak for us.

*hugs* Thank you!

It sounds like hot shit but will probably be cold diarrhoea.