Our Lady in Virginia

Still think education is a bad thing? Our kids are dumber than the other kids in the world and we got hacked. We have only the dumbing down of our education system to blame. Sure a good education for everyone would be expensive. But look at how expensive having substandard people running our national security is. This

Everybody does it until tbey get one of their own pointed out publicly to them. Most then lighten up.

There is no justification for giving up bagels. None.

If only womrn had the right to vote. They would vote those forced birthers out of office. Right? RIGHT??

How about aftershave or cologne? A nice scented men’s soap or deodorant? I wish I could get my hubby to try some and like it. But he loves the 2/$1 green Dollar Tree soap.

How about aftershave or cologne? A nice scented men’s soap or deodorant? I wish I could get my hubby to try some and

So fashion today is sticking some silly string on your face. Or is the silly string stuck to your face a remnant of a messy facepalm about goofy fashion trends?

No that really is a thing. But it’s prolly just for show. Look at how stupidly pious I am, therefore better than you!

But that handfull of mommies are gonna keep watching it. They need something to fill tbeir boring nights now that True Blood is over. And why is it that people like this always seem to have their TV tuned to tbe most objectionable show and it won’t turn off? It must be de debble!!

With themselves.

Fret not. You can still get them and other quality products from eBay!

Is it a cute lil pigmy goat or one of those bastards that faints at loud noises? I hate it when a goat falls over in the middle of a very vocal tryst! Know what I mean?

I learned the hard way to stay away from swans if you are in a canoe.

Makes me WANT TO go read his bio.

Crooks can’t keep it clean when they get caught. So how much jail time for his misuse of funds?

Don’t go to college in Virginia. We have too msny weird things going on!

Sounds like my daughter. She’s into chemistry and is darned good with the maths. I worry and hope she doesn’t run into this crap too much. If she does I’ll be there for her, with lawyers.

The proper reply is “Why? Are you?”

If a corporate guy can get jail time for selling tainted peanut butter and sickening and killing people....

OMG, this explains what happened to my kid’s lips. Fuuuuu......
