Our Lady in Virginia

Autumn is the best season. Unless you don’t like the get off your butt and move message. Also pumpkins and Halloween.

I think you get an MIT scholarship for that.

This is a man who is jealous of his wife’s success. He’s got to show he’s the boss somehow.

If he showed no emotion upon hearing that he was found guilty, he should have no trouble living alone in a small cell away from everyone else for tge rest of his life. He isn’t going to get better. Let him stay in his own private Idaho.

What they don’t seem to get is the fact that if you are still alive and your children are still alive, you are resiliant and adaptive. Creating opportunities for people to get money themselves would be nice. You can’t go online without wifi, you can’t build a car without parts, you can’t get a job if no one is hiring,

Those people ARE sexually active. It’s mostly same sex with nuns though, so they don’t need birth control. And talking about it is also a big no no. Now the priests on the other hand get dragged into discussions about their sexual proclivities all the time. You see what troubles arise when that happens so shhhh!

They pay for your stable and manger fees. Your ride home from the stable on a donkey is covered. You must however turn over all baby gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the convent.

So they feel they are being treated like second class citizens, but it’s OK for them to treat their employees like second class citizens because Jeebus. DENIED! It is not permitted to force your employees to follow your religious dogma because FREEDOM.

So they feel they are being treated like second class citizens, but it’s OK for them to treat their employees like second class citizens because Jeebus? DENIED. It is not OK to make your employees follow your religious dogma because FREEDOM.

This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “live streaming”. Bets the perv won’t get caught? I so hope I’m wrong.

You must be newly arrived on this planet. The males of the human variety get turned on by just about anything. Toilet humor is big with them too. Some guy was making a bunch of cash with a recording like that.

Does this mean the boys will get to go to the little girl’s sammich making class?

Great news! Now I can be 26 in my 50’s. Thank you crazy lady!

Can’t eat a puffin. I love those little guys. Cod and hotdogs if I ever get to go.

We saw signs for McDonald’s lobster rolls and raspberry milkshakes when we were going through Maine about 18 years ago. We thought it was some kind of perverse joke....

What is up with Trigg? This is the second time she’s mentioned him. Is it now going to come out that he is really her son? Why else keep bringing him up if he’s her little brother? Or is it that strange over there?

So did I! Were we at the same function that we don’t remember?

Why only suspended and not fired outright? This is the crazy teacher from Hades!

This woman is either delusional or a compulsive liar. Her rationalizations are nuts. Pretty sure her issues are so bad that she’s gone round the bend. Pretty high functioning for someone that broken though. No law against being a kook as long as no one gets hurt. She sure made fools out of a lot of people.

Why was he told who made the complaints? These are supposed to be confidential. This is why!