
I’m a recovering alcoholic...

You wanted people to connect. They’re connecting. You just don’t like the way they’re doing it.

Rick and Morty: The Anime”

Our pitch? Jackman’s Robin will reckon with his past life of pulling off crimes with his Merry Men. Now gravely injured and a “battle worn” loner,

Can’t wait to see how Republicans freak out over this

Dominion showed up too early for me. I liked the ideas of Odo searching for his people and tension with Maquis.  Thought there could have been more first contacts on the other side of the wormhole.  Don't get me wrong I love war it's family fun, just wished it was pushed back a few seasons.

Trump will get another term as president for giving away top secret info to anyone he wanted to impress at parties.

This is all super interesting and I would love to see them find even some measure of success.

We really need a law limiting pricing on any drug that was developed using tax dollars. Big Pharma is robbing us coming and going.

I hope they’re going to elaborate on the whole “Breen have two faces” thing, because they did not make it very clear what the deal was with that. To the point that at least one reviewer I saw (and admittedly myself at first) thought they were trying to suggest that they considered their masks to be their actual faces,

CBS adaptation of Stephen King’s Zoo.

...and yet, this episode was so emotionally empty, for all its efforts to evoke emotion. Maybe it’s because these characters can’t hold a candle to the likes of Shatner’s Kirk, Nimoy’s Spock, Stewart’s Picard, or Brook’s Sisko. In the end, I don’t blame the actors—I blame the writers and producers, who just aren’t up

A good tailor knows how to measure twice and cut once.

>his character has always seemed to me to be race neutral, like make Sisko a bald white guy and what exactly about his character would have to change?

Sisko is absolutely a black man in all that means. Don’t take that away from Sisko or Brooks or Benny.

Hands down, my favorite episode of Star Trek ever. Hell, I like it more than the movies too. 

It’s absolutely praiseworthy. If Picard had been in charge of DS9, the Federation would have lost the Dominion War.

Sucker Punch was one of those movies with a great concept poorly executed and focused on the wrong things. The character Baby Doll is a mostly empty vessel, by the end of the movie the story is really being about the sister who is mostly a side character. If anything, the real “Sucker Punch” was realizing Snyder

But... if the EaRtH iS fLaT, all the oceans touch!

LOL I thought he was Arachnid-Man.