I'm surprised the Henry V clue only said he won a battle in France, as opposed to mentioning Agincourt by name, since Trebek would have loved to tear into pronouncing that
I'm surprised the Henry V clue only said he won a battle in France, as opposed to mentioning Agincourt by name, since Trebek would have loved to tear into pronouncing that
Pandemic:Legacy really twists up the formula of the original, once you're more than a couple games in it barely looks the same anymore. Depending on what your friend doesn't like it still might be worth checking out especially since its so cheap right now.
With Pandemic: Legacy essentially half off you really should buy two copies. Trust me, you'll want both and its worth it.
I should say he's not hard since you can Moogle hammer/Mini-Belt exploit him until he dies, its just the timing for doing so is a lot easier done with 2 people instead of one
There's a chain in the upper Midwest, Jets, that is uneatable if you don't do that. They're pizza is good, they just soak the damn things in grease unless you get the thin crust
I'm leaving the questionable games just to assemble a list of potentials since we all know its going to be a crapshoot of what license gets through. I don't know how I missed Chrono Trigger, though it is getting RPG heavy (as it should, the SNES is the best RPG system) so we can expect to lose at least a couple of…
I'm just listing what people suggest, I'm not really judging any of the suggestions
It really really helps to have a second player. The actual content is a little thin, so having a friend to run around with helps a ton (plus the final boss is SO much easier when you don't have to control 3 people on your own)
"That's a bold strategy Cotton, lets see how it works for them"
I'm still editing my list, I need to get Megaman on there yet and I'm trying to compile everyone else's suggestions from this thread
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Yoshis Island
Secret of Mana
Secret of Evermore
Super Mario RPG
Link to the Past
Star Fox
Final Fantasy 6
Super Tecmo Bowl
Super Dodgeball
MegaMan X
MegaMan X-2
Donkey Kong Country
DKC2: Diddy Kong's Quest
Super Mario Kart
Super Punch-Out
Mech Warrior
Super Star Wars*
Super Empire…
So, assuming it only has 30 games on it like the NES mini, what are people's guesses for which 30 it will be? Can you even decently reduce the SNES library to just 30 games or would you need at least 50?
I don't see that as a 'joke' though, certainly not one to base an article like this on especially with referencing Super Meat Boy and Dark Souls as proof of concept. There are other games that have awkwardly moving characters without the need for insanely brutal difficulty which is only (allegedly) lightened up with a…
I'm not sure I agree with Anthony's thesis here. Using humor to diffuse tension is a great idea in games, Ghosts n' Goblins doesn't do that though. When your only "joke" is that Arthur is in his underpants it gets a little old after a while, there is a limit to even the rake gag, especially when you go out of your way…
What a rough, rough game. A combined 13 wrong answers AND some poor DD betting just makes for cringe watching. Plus a lot of the wrong answers weren't even close, they were just throwing things out there- see the initially wrong guesses on the Leaving Las Vegas and Honeymoon in Vegas clues
I can see Al Gore yelling that Dictionary answer like Kirk in Wrath of Khan
That's a secret to everyone.
Normally hunting out of season gets you fined. This just shows how much money Marvel has they don't even care about the DNR
You are doing the Lords work with these. I can't even stand the stupidity in commercials for the show so actually sitting through an episode to codify it all is truly impressive
Do yourself a favor and go back to forgetting about seasons 2 and 3. Season 2 is terrible and while I haven't seen 3 yet, it really is best to consider it one-and-done