
So the complete opposite of a Minnesota good-bye (which is to keep starting new conversation topics even as you very slowly walk out the door, has been known to take an hour or more from the time you decide to leave to the time you actually leave a place)

If the kid rejected ET and Cool Runnings you need to do some Clockwork Orange style re-education of his taste in movies. At the very least it will save you from watching more movies like Flubber

The difference I strike there is that the original wasn't trying to fully replicate the book, it was only concerned with Oskar and his relationship with Eli since it drops all the other plots and even characters not connected to that. It does change the point somewhat but it makes it its own; the remake on the other

I actually had two days off this weekend, it was great. My dad was also in town and took us out to dinner Saturday where I got to enjoy some $50 steak cooked Pittsburgh Blue style, which is the best way to cook steak I will never try on my own

Calling $100.2 million a "truly massive" or "cartoonishly big" opening is somewhat hyperbolic. 15 years ago that would have been the case, now, while it is a big opening, is nothing when Harry Potter or the Avengers is opening up at $180-200 million. The Chinese part of the opening is the real staggering part and the

Can you imagine the uproar the series will cause if right-wing pundits found out one of the leads is an androgynous castrated boy serving as a god figure in a relationship with another boy?

Yeah, I know most people are more apologetic of it than I am, I just can't understand why. It was seriously one of the worst films I've seen.

A TV version could work if you used the full book as a base and did it on HBO or STARZ, not TNT. The book has multiple plots that are dropped from the movie for sake of time and coherency, so there's more than enough story there; the book just happens to be quite a bit more morose as its not concerned just with being

Absolutely not. Either rewatch the original, or read the (admittedly fairly long) book which expands on a lot of the themes and covers a hell of a lot more story

The remake is not "fine", the remake is garbage that utterly misses every point of the original while being directed by a hack film school student

The WOT from Friday had this in it

Didn't they say Erik had a vacation set so that some of the reviews would be delayed?

Christ, the Wild peaked way too early in the season. After that huge win streak everyone around here was sure they could at least get by the damn Blackhawks in the playoffs and instead they kinda limped into the post-season and now are probably going to be swept. Just win 1 game guys, make it look like you had a

The Prestige. 2/3rds of the 2 main characters are dead and while the remaining has his daughter, he also has very little else.

It's gotta be Shovel Knight and its ability to capture the essence of old platformers without necessarily being bound by all their limitations. Not only that, the subsequent expansions have shown how they could tweak a few points to make the whole game nostalgic to slightly different games based on how the controls

You sound fun

We need to convince Wendy's to turn its Twitter attention on him. That would be a flame war for the ages

Oh you better believe it was a pint bottle. No 5th is going to last more than 10 minutes when you're watching the Real Cancun

Yeah, I don't really count Azura because she can get spears- though in Fates I still tended to not use her because leveling was a pain. My prejudiced comes from Path of Radiance where you got a Swan who could inspire characters through singing and that was it, no weapon or other boosts, so leveling him was a chore and

Despite having Breath of the Wild sitting on my shelf for over 2 weeks now, I'm still pushing through Total War: Warhammer. My Empire campaign is almost done having united all the Imperial provinces except Nordland and Wissenland, which won't take long to crush, and conquered all of Sylvania. I just need Chaos to