Disney does not have a good track record with dubbing largely because they also go for the big Hollywood names rather than people who can voice act. The results tend to be hit or miss within a movie as the actors are all over the place in quality
Disney does not have a good track record with dubbing largely because they also go for the big Hollywood names rather than people who can voice act. The results tend to be hit or miss within a movie as the actors are all over the place in quality
Considering Shinkai has a track record of over-the-top melodrama and angst, I'm not going to automatically deny anyone comparing him to Sparks.
Encounters is supposed to be a more newbie friendly set-up over-seen by WotC. It is a simple enough game that if you ask around at a game store usually you can find someone willing to help walk you through playing it for the first time
Try and find a local game store, they usually have weekly D&D sessions either through Encounters or groups that organize around there. The player quality is going to be hit or miss for obvious reasons, but it can work out to give you a short fix
Benedict Arnold led an invasion of Canada during the Revolution. Ironically it almost worked except for a defector who sold his plan out to the Brits who ambushed him. The defeat in Canada kinda tarnished his rep and put him out of favor with a lot of the Revolution Generals helping to inspire his own treachery later
I think Gaiman said there's something like 100+ extra pages in the extended edition. Most of the added parts are more flashbacks to the founding of America as well as side things with the other gods, so not super important stuff, though I think he did reedit some other parts and talking to people who've read both…
The Twins problem is easily summer up by the fact that 5 of our last 6 seasons have had more than 90 losses, 103 last year even, and they do nothing to try and fix anything. They're just hoping other teams fall apart to get down to their level
Are you reading the original release or the extended anniversary edition? The extended stuff doesn't address the real issues of Shadow not really ever doing anything but it does help establish the gods and the central concept a bit better
So who's got it worse this year, the Twins or the Red Sox? At least Bostonian's have the Super Bowl to console themselves with if its a lost season, Minnesota could easily get 100 losses and have nothing recent to feel proud about. Hell even the Lynx haven't won recently
DD1 could have been a bit tricky since the US invaded Canada twice, something most kids here never hear about in school. Given, this makes it at worse a toss-up as simple deduction should lead someone to the only two wars it could have been- that's just a lot of reasoning to do in 30 seconds of pressure
Anybody who's seen Cool Runnings knows they still square dance in Canada
Matrix is also a little more "grounded" in that while it flirts with certain 'big ideas' it doesn't rely on them in quite the same way, you can watch it just for the action. GitS has some good action, its just very minimal with a rather talky story that's not going to inspire a lot of repeat viewings or people zoning…
I saw GitS, and as I mentioned a couple times upthread I actually really liked it. The plot of the original isn't exactly amazing and while this one played it safe a few times it keeps the same tone and spirit, far moreso than I expected it to. It also has perhaps the best look of a lived-in a cyberpunk movie since…
I agree completely. I thought there were some really cool looking shots (any time someone gets shot through glass for instance) so the aesthetic was a lot better than I thought it could be. IV was also dead on in Film Club, it looks like you would expect an anime in live-action to look without feeling all cartoony the…
I'm not sure it was a mistake, the marketing was a mistake. Ignatiy's review is actually pretty accurate, its a movie with a flawed plot that looks amazing and the ads all focused on the wrong parts of it. They could have tightened up the script a bit, yet its spirit is actually pretty close to the original's ideals,…
…it, uh, may be the second thing
She already is a Marvel character, and she gave perhaps the only bad performance in GOTG
Should it really be "hated"? It's a profoundly lazy and bad movie, but compared to some of the other dreck Burton has thrown up it doesn't really deserve hate. Being forgotten is exactly the right punishment for that movie
well, at least somebody got something out of The Shadow then
I saw The Last Samurai in Japan and it was the strangest thing since they redubbed all the English while leaving the Japanese in the movie in the original actors voices. It's pretty obvious in some scenes there's two different people talking for a character