
I have 11,500 unlooked-at emails in my abandoned Yahoo email account. Just checked, cause it’s still my email for Amazon, even tho I stopped using it 9 years ago.

Wow. Amazing the willful delusion and denial of the Hillary shills. I am a middle-aged woman, who’s a feminist. Hillary has murdered countless thousands of Muslims—and rendered thousands more refugees—with her sick, neocon policies, while SoS. Do you care? Or are you a racist, in denial? How the hell do you justify

Man, you’re desperate. No wonder. You’re supporting a racist, pro-biz, pro-war, pro-Israel candidate—and jacking yourself off, trying to pretend Hillary is a progressive. Sad. I totally get why you’re so dumb and ignorant in your response to my post. I would be too, if I were as sad and compromised as you.

Did you not understand a single thing I wrote? Are you really this brainwashed? And racist? OK with supporting racist, apartheid Israel and perpetual war? If you support Hillary, you support racism and war and screwing average people.

Whut? Everything I wrote was valid and factually correct. You provide no refutation—and no facts to the contrary. Instead you accuse me of regurgitating “website talking points.” Whaaat?

You exemplify that Hillary is the one with divisive supporters, with your usage of the Hillary campaign-disseminated “Bernie Bros” slur. Are you really such a dupe? Or just a right-winger who doesn’t give a shit about the little people?

Do you have any idea how dumb your comment is? I’m a lefty progressive, and you accuse me of “regurgitating the GOP narrative.” Your denial is strong. Mindless Democratic party loyalists, such as yourself, are sad. Basically right-wing Republicans who want oh so very much to be respected as progressives. Why? You’re

Ok. Trump!!

Hey man, you lost me with “Bernie Bros”. That’s condescending as hell—and a meme promulgated by the Clinton campaign. Whatever.

I vote, and I certainly will vote down ballot for the best candidates in my red state. Despite Hillary, I will be showing up at the poll, as I do.

I don’t agree with you, but thank you for replying. I appreciate your point of view!

I find far more disturbing the people who mindlessly flock to Clinton, even tho she’s a warmongering neocon, in the bag for Wall St. and big biz. And these folks call themselves liberals or progressives, which is just bizarre.

Why are the delegates at fault? They didn’t make any threats. Or throw any chairs or do any violence. Even tho they got ratfucked by the Nevada Dem State Chair. That said, they showed remarkable restraint. What are you blaming them for?

Apparently you missed the FDR years.

Nice. She’s anti-union and pro-charter schools. Way to vote against your own interests there. Good job!

Yeppers. Hillary is responsible for thousands of people’s deaths—but they’re non-white Muslims in the Middle East, so Clinton supporters could give a shit. Pretty amazing. While they sit on their cloud and blither about Sanders sitting on a cloud blithering impractically. The hypocrisy and tacit racism from the

Translation: Mommy and Daddy, please stop fighting!!

Like a neocon corporatist backed by the Dem party won’t get elected?

So you think Hills will crack down on the banksters?

Clinton supporters need something-any excuse-so they can feel ok about voting for her, despite her enthusiastic support of war and Wall St. Not to mention documented corruption and poor judgment, and disaster tenure as SoS, plus ineffectiveness as a senator and first lady.