Orson Hyde

Not a shift among the lot of them.

Who says 'icebox'?

It's Valerian. It just came out.

I'm very happy this turned into an anthology.

That last point makes it all worth it. Come on mongols!

Cowpokes? Looks like a couple of dudes to me.

Do they serve Paella Fitzgerald?

Good luck with that!

He dipped out.

I don't think his audience would get it.

Hey, that's what the guy that made the chains said!

They looked at the context of the situation and were mostly ok with it. It's like what's happening here, just with a different conclusion.

I'm ok with it. It shows that the 'Jigsaw Method' really doesn't work.

I never paid those much attention.

That's not what the article was about… at all.

If you can promise a dash of 'Weekend at Bernies', you can borrow my time machine.

The bacon that makes you fuck the best.

That's beautiful man.


Well yeah… he's… not very good at the thing he wants to do.