
I saw this and shouted in surprise, and said "Whoa, this pope is rad!" My wife immediately said, "Oh, I'm so worried for him. He's going to get kicked out or assassinated or something."

Us catholic scientists (scientists who are catholic, not christian scientists, which is a whole different thing), have long had to work hard to convince people that the catholic church wasn't anti science. This view is nothing new, and for many years you could find papal decrees and papers referring to evolution as

I feel like I need to re-examine the papacy and Catholicism as a whole, because my knowledge comes only from years in protestant and at times Seventh-day Adventist schooling, which is especially biased. I kid you not, they told us the pope was the Anti-Christ.

You will never be the next Dan Brown if you allow silly things like facts and geological records to get in the way.

I've heard of this before, and was under the impression we have enough other ways to validate the time span between two events to know there was no 300 year gap.

Can we get the cliffs notes version?

lol, "only the last 15 games." so basically the menu will still be a mess with no grouping that is constantly shifting.

I was going to make this joke but then realized I fell into the category. v.v

Is this the "I have no friends to trade the unique pokemon to that version edition"

Yea Apple needs to nip that in the bud soon. The SIM needs to be open to all. Otherwise, provide replacements for free.

Yeah, Lucasfilm is in the right on this one, particularly since the brewery tried to _trademark_ Empire Strikes Bock.

Neither money or a US PSN account :(

Home owner insurance. Required if you have a mortgage, but they can 'fire' you if you actually make claims. Having fired you they blackball you across the industry for up to 5 years. What's the point of insurance if it's too risky to claim?

I am guessing that Spirit Cam is your least favorite since you completely left it off! Lol

somehow I couldn't enjoy a F-Zero game since the original back in 1991. WipEout, on the other hand, I've loved every one, except 64 and Fusion.

Seems silly, but I can see two reasons:

I kind of always felt like HBO realized it was better to have everyone talking about Game of Thrones and have some number of those people pirating rather than try to keep people from watching it. Building that brand was more important because surely plenty of those pirates will buy the Blurays and DVD for the special

I read that in his "voice". Have a recommend!