OPPOsaurus WRX

I’ve been looking into doing a manual swap on an XJ8. It’s not going to be easy

I need a car for $4k or less. Id totally do this if it wasn’t half way across the country

To the KTM showroom

About that.....

I would love to have a 6th gear.

neat stuff in cool cars. you should stick some opponauts in some rally cars.....

I was sitting in an A4 avant this weekend. It was a 2007 with 117k miles. It was only $10k!!!!! 6speed!!! after reading this i’ll pass

so this more or less

well isn’t the technical term satellite and the name is the Moon?

I bet you could fit quite a bit of stuff in there. Maybe something like a cooler, some camping equipment, a bass case. .. .

Triple flavored chem-trails

to me these mountains seem so large for such a small planet. I’m sure it doesn’t work like this but imagine if it was scaled to earth size. If Pluto’s mean radius is 1185 km and earths is 6371 km (source = wiki) that’s a difference of x5.376. That would but these on earth at 2.688-5.376 km and the other larger

O man i replaced a beam in my living room. That was 1 hell of a project. Everything is still where it should be too

i thought the same thing. I’m quite pissed it didn’t happen this year.

A direct quote from my Mother-in-law “have you considered a Honda Pilot? they come in pretty colors.” Clearly you have no clue about cars or how to chose them.


I’m going to assume the barge landing will be postponed

thanks! i just realized the pic next to my name is on the Mt Washington auto road too.

i refused to put that on mine. Getting up isn;t really even the hard part, its getting down that could be more challenging.