
It sounds like you’re saying you hope one day they are free to choose to wear something you feel is more appropriate/are comfortable with. I would rather trust women to individually make the best choices for themselves, including what they wear and why they wear it.

Agreed. These are beautiful and flattering. I’d feel like a princess pulling one of these over my long johns and winter boots to run to the grocery store.

I thought that was a picture of Josh Duggar...

No order has been entered yet so he’s just screwing himself by showing he’s not willing to shoulder his half of the responsibility. He’s also showing he’d rather fuck over his ex than care for his kids, which is maybe what your friend’s ex is doing? Like, “Haha, look at the pussy I bagged while you were at work- oh

Whoa, I would loose my shit over that. If he can’t even be counted on to watch the kids he needs to go.

Haha, for a second I was like, “How did I not know they have itty bitty feet?!?!”

I like the picture, she has the perfect, “I am so fucking sick of this ridiculous bullshit”, face.

I learned how to do this in the heyday of crazy couponing. Stores have since changed their coupon policies to prevent having to send out truckloads of free mustard to crazy people but there are still really good deals to be had for people looking to save money. If you don’t want to go full psycho, I suggest the

Seriously, black Hermione makes so much more sense. Now let’s all pray they don’t pick a white actor to play Mulan for that upcoming project.

My kids believe my brother is a space alien my mom rescued from a crashed ship.

Fat= curvy sucks ass. I’m a size 12 with proportionate breasts, a larger tummy and small hips with thinner legs and arms. I just want some fucking pants that that don’t sag off my ass while also cutting off circulation when I button them. Sweaters that aren’t skin tight or the size of a billowing circus tent would be

Thank you

Nothing illuminates the deep and abiding love of Jesus Christ like securing legal protection to discriminate against the very people he would have served.

I read what the thirteen women said, how scared and defeated they felt, how trapped they were by his position and how people would perceive their pasts. Fuck this guy so hard. He has a lot more crying to do. I hope the women feel some sort of peace, I hope they know there words were heard and read and believed. But

Right? I feel like he needs to hire a preschool teacher to bring him up to snuff. “Okay Marty, yesterday we talked about sharing. Let’s review.”

Only $2 million? That seems low for the only copy of an album from a popular and influential group.

Yeah, I was wondering what was going on there, almost looks like a skin tag...

Jesus-freak dog-whistle... that explains so fucking much...

I personally look forward to when they just get over that they “lost”. Gay people can married, please move on now. It’s not going back, there is no convincing people like me that they deserve less rights, are going to burn in hell, can be fixed, ect, ect. Like, hey super Christians, maybe focus less on some dudes

They take the blood of their lamb VERY seriously.