
For some reason people seem to be very adverse to admitting they are or were wrong. On the internet this seems to be doubly the case.

For a second I thought he was starting a jet pack company... feeling a bit let down.

BOFH reading in order.

My day is made. It's nice to see a show that doesn't suck not get canceled for once.

It's like living history. I love it.

Loose packets sink servers.

Now if only someone would drop a 2.1 / 2.2 rom for zenpad. Guess I'll have to do it myself. Stop giggling. I am serious.

@openfly: Okay here's a semi completed... needs to be COMPLETELY redone case mod I did for PAX East... just for the lulz.

God I hope Dan Kaminsky isn't one of the card holders...

Design is really hard. I do it as a hobby, and so far only one of my designs has ever really been widely liked. Made it to gizmodo actually. I have a couple in the works that might be loved... hope they are.

@ilves: Actually it's more than that. It's a violation of the scientific method.

@aslipofthelip: I find this image to be full of truth and beauty.

@Animal_Chin: And yet, Mars has an atmosphere. It's just not hospitable to us.

Earth invading Mars? The irony.

@tacomstng: In regards to John the murderer. If you saw John murdering away to his cold black hearts content, and instead of say calling the police... you shot him several times with your trusty anti-soviet .357 you've been keeping handy ever since you saw red dawn, you would have killed him.

At first, I was willing to chalk it up to simple confusion brought a bout by 9/11 induced fear mongering. Okay fine, I get it... you want to stop the terrorists.

And most of these devices are made by Cisco.

@MifuneT: Oh god knows I agree. And my friend right now has access to a Simulator... god knows... god only knows the fun that could be had.