
@tacomstng: At the end of the day, regardless of the social implications, if someone kills another person, regardless of the morality of it, they are responsible for killing that person. And with that responsibility comes many things.

@Hellaphunt: I don't doubt that. But many of them are in the roll of private contractor, not the roll of enlisted or agent of. At least from my experience with the Infosec community. That being said, there are definitely notable exceptions to anything. Also I could simply be ignorant of things that are

@HeroOfTomorrow-you're holding it wrong.: "Let's toss another faggot on the fire and have us a gay ole time." - Kids in the Hall

@The_Vitto: I think intent is very important.

All of this is "alleged". Innocent till proven guilty of course.

@Hiphopopotamus: I am not sure an oversight agency is really always the proper channel for a leak to occur.

@HeroOfTomorrow-you're holding it wrong.: "queer issues" sounds spooky. Like I hear "queer issues", and I am thinking my how the old Von Hapsburg estate has some queer issues, such as bleeding walls and portals to the netherworld in the closets.

@Hiphopopotamus: I actually kind of like the idea of wikileaks. There are times when the actions of whistle blowers have brought considerable justice to our nation and the world.

@microinjectionist: Actually, several intelligence agencies have requested that hackers do not launch independent attacks against terrorists or other foreign nations. The concern is that they may accidentally interrupt their intelligence gathering efforts.

I have to give Lamo some credit. The entire infosec community from virus writing criminals to successful researchers prides themselves on, and relies upon their ability to protect secrets.

I hope I am alive for the Mars landings, when they happen.

CG porn is going to be amazing.

@KW802: I second the motion and call the question.

I dig it. Reminds me of Diana Eng's stuff.

@bobbobato: Heh I could also say even more about European Cities. I mean look at images of Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, London, St Petersburg, Volgograd ... following ww2. Look at them today. We're pretty amazing as a species. I mean, we are totally awesome. We deserve a cookie.

So around 1624 New Amsterdam was officially established and on it's way to becoming the NYC we know today. That's a little less than 400 years ago. 18th Century means 1700s for that ship. About as old a ship you will find in this area, so a cool find.

Alone the antenna issue is really a minor problem in Apple's recent and very successful history. Albeit a really novice engineering mistake.

Heh, anti competitive business practices can sometimes be a double edged sword. Competition is generally what we in the industry like to refer to as "a good thing".