
Next they will ban dancing! Then we will need to call on Kevin Bacon to drop some foot loose action on us like it's bombs over baghdad.

Still no gcc toolchain exposed for android =(

Yo, it's a painting. If it looks good call it a day. Who cares who painted it and when. Gosh. Talk about missing the point.

I'm going to give it to prince on this one. Sure he's no rocket scientist, but he is the world's foremost authority on cool.

Man, I wanna pet a tiger. Is that going to be a game for xbox?

It's really hard to properly test components going into these sorts of low tolerance boards. It requires the most precious commodity in tech... time. And pushing out a new model every few months is hard enough without having to run endurance tests on every single component option, as well as completed boards. The

If you have not sky dived, I HIGHLY recommend doing so. It is incredibly fun.

OK Cupid judged me pretty hot. I'm putting that on my resume and business cards now. All the ladies will swoon.

Yeah this stuff is horrendous to solder to.

There are few things I believe in, in this world. But I do believe in duct tape.

I can't believe I missed this... =(