
my hands are messed up so you better drive brother.


What do they want? A busty MILF?


Uh hello Robert Bowling is running this bitch! hahahhaa syke.


You sound like a heroin addict. Cool story though.

Is video game piracy common in Japan?

Wow this is really weird. I guess they were sick of koticks salary.

MW2 wasn't even made for singleplayer, it was probably written overnight.

Rehash rehash rehash. Not interested again, the first two were fine. New ideas please.

Now playing

The first Saw game was a decent rental. The combat was god awful though. You can get quite far but one part of this mission was impossible. See video for info.

I only got this game because my Xbox died a month before MW2 came out, so I decided to buy the MW2 bundle, 250gb hard drive? yes please. Putting my MW2 on eBay right now.

@gordeaux789: sorry dudes I just remember the last time I played or saw someone playing a board game was in the 90s. STRATEGO!!

This is fucking hilarious. Yes I'm busy trying to get to the next level. LOL! Board games? Who the fuck plays board games anymore honestly? This isn't the 1980s.

Who was the person that stuck their PS3 in the zipper area of their pants and said IT'S PRONE TO SCRATCHES!!! O RLY?

So basically they want the Move to be the Wii for hardcore young adults?