
This isn't going to be like that time where there was like 9000 clowns on every article?

Awesome I picked up the Street Fighter The Complete History and was not really impressed with it, just some art work and little history of the games. I'll give this a definite pick up.

PS3 does load slow, I can't wait for software integration.

Heh, I thought the NARC remake for PS2 was good. I watch videos of it now and I say WTF was I thinking?

OH SWAG!! I love swag you can get a years worth of supplies from there, posters, shirts, pencils pens you name it.

I KNEW IT! I told my friends how Batman Animated Series reminds me alot about Bioshock they just laughed in my face.

@I_Like_TDs: The hitboxes are the most advanced hitboxes in all of FPS history. Shooting a foot away from a targets head counts as a headshot.

It's the black guy...it's ALWAYS the black guy.

@Wolfgang Wozniak: at least we got skins!! I mean they didn't even add any new spec ops missions!

2 classic maps should've been free, the other 3 shouldve been 800 points.

I want a new gameplay style I'm getting really tired of holding A then holding B for chainsaw which makes you invincible.

I'm guessing some kind of money fraud holding home equity 401k scam prince of Nigeria.

Home reminds me of the film Gamer, you don't know who's on the other side of the screen.

You do realize it's still going to get pirated? It's like trying to protect something one way when they can come around all the other ways.

wake island plox? thnx

Remastered right? Right??

This is coming from a guy who use to suck his own dick.

I wish this plan existed many years ago before LCDs were dirt cheap. If they can turn around my 50 inch CRT TV and connect it, I'm all for it.