
Getting mine tomorrow! Can't wait since my Xbox got the RRoD what a POS! #netflix

Sexy red mmm, but why 4GB memory card? I want 8!!! #psp

Honestly..wtf would you do? Grab her tits or ass? Could I take her to the back room and pound her? If no to both of them then FUCK OFF!!! #nsfw

@Rem: Why would? You are taking out the pride and joy of PC gaming by taking out dedicated servers. You get MODS!!11!!1oneone!!1! Play what MAP your want to PLAY. CLOSE SERVERS!!! #modernwarfare2

There was one where the victim of the prank goes into turtle mode and goes full speed at the supposed killer. It was hilarious.

This doesn't make any sense at all. Why would EA say that MMA isn't a sport when they had signed Randy Couture a long time ago, or did EA complete forget they signed him? Or is Dana White hiding something?

i just busted

It's a goron, it escaped from goron city.

i can't see it, there's no words there, to play us out.


website down in 3 2 1...

I usually get buzzed during great sniper sprees in BF 1943.

This is great, I loved Hitman Blood Money. I still wanted more from the game, I hope to see a new one in the future.

@Heliophage: That sounds extremely hard to play on, but with a game pad it's sounds possible.

Not sure if I might buy this one, I just bough the first 2 last week, but they are pushing these maps too fast.

FBI plays WoW COOL!