
They are not. 

“Stop worrying about your contributions to terrible working conditions by curling up under this weighted blanket, which somehow based on zero science makes all your anxiety vanish. 17% off today!

-Kinja Deals

It was two jumbo bags of Oreos. I’m an environmentalist so I double up on my orders to save the world.

That’s what your mom said. 

Kinja, the Roger Ailes of commenting systems.  

This looks and sounds like the intro to a snuff film. 

It already has 473 comments, all of them arguing whether The Last Jedi is the greatest movie ever made or the worst. 

Where’s our sequel to Jupiter Ascending?! They left it on such a cliffhanger! 

I believe that we’re all just pawns in an elaborate scheme by Q to illustrate to Picard a lesson in humanity. But in the end, it’s Q who learns a little bit more about us. 

Or your next 4-10 X-Men series set during that 5-year period with mutants on the run from whatever fragments of government are left, while simultaneously saving humanity from any local threats.  

It turns out maybe she did need a super suit...

I told you to stop doing the Pee-Wee Herman at movie theaters.

You’ve sold me, kid. Here’s $100,000,000 and a dumptruck full of cocaine.

Also, he forgot to randomly capitalize words that don’t need to be capitalized. 

Wasn’t scared by this movie, but at the time was horrified by the idea that a pregnant woman is carrying around a tiny skeleton inside her skeleton.

Actually, that still freaks me out.

*stands up on desk

I just thought it was the next installment — Mission Impossible: Yesterday.  

Wait until you see the crossover event with the Nissan Notary and the Acura Accountant. Everything changes!

We’re not talking about Obama. We’re talking about W. Try to keep up if you want to be in the discussion. 

Forget them and their video sanitizing surface. You want to engage with art, engage with it the way a creator chose to make it. You don’t get to have a sampler of the bits you like. Feel free to criticize any pornography/swearing/violence you found unnecessary, but you have to see it before you can criticize it.