
If you want see an alternate nu metal timeline, head over to Europe where it has never fallen out favor and bands including Limp Bizkit and Papa Roach are massive draws at music festivals. 

If Jessica Jones isn’t in a scene, skip to the next scene, is how I’ve been watching these shows.

Next you’re going to be all “Reddit isn’t a legitimate source of facts.”

“Better safe, than sorry. You better buy two!”
-Kinja Deals

“Better safe, than sorry. You better buy two!”
-Kinja Deals

Welcome to the World Wide Web!

The thing about street fights... the street always wins.”

Of everything. 

And this shit with they greys. 

Ernie the Kinja Tech promised us a Utopian comment system, then betrayed us. Some of the main issues:

Bing is back, baby! 

I’m not shocked by anyone ripping songs from a CD. I’m just shocked that anybody would still be using iTunes to manage their music.

I’m not shocked by anyone ripping songs from a CD. I’m just shocked that anybody would still be using iTunes to manage their music.

Excuse me, that’s the poor man’s Giovanni Ribisi.

Spoiler: The Voice is f’ing terrible. 

Can’t close comments. Too busy churning out Game of Thrones chum across the newswire. 

Wake up! You’re missing important Netflix announcements!

It’s not that I don’t enjoy the show, but something with the constant yelling just lulls me to sleep. 

I’m on Season 6 of Archer. Have yet to see a full episode.

Introducing Kinja+ -- for $9.95 a month, we’ll let you use the AV Club’s old commenting system! 

I’m over the age of 10, so no, I’m not getting Disney+