
Kanye is a shit festival performer because he drags down the entire lineup into “The Kanye Show”. If he wants to build elaborate stages, come out late, and do whatever he wants, he can do that on his own tour.

Here’s a video of stuff that people on Reddit like! 

Because no Star Wars article can be complete without bringing up The Last Jedi and why you liked/didn’t like/are consumed by rage about it.

Ja Rule for The Gamemaker.

A cool plot twist would have Magneto start out good, then turn bad. Or vice-versa. 

Disappointed this article isn’t announcing the premier of F/X3. 

I already can’t wait for ten years after Staples goes bankrupt and we wax nostalgic about the last location that’s still open in Oregon. 

Ernie the Kinja Tech promised us such a bright future filled with hope.

If Hawkeye can be an Avenger, than it’s pretty much open to anyone. He dropped the bar about as low it can go. 

Nothing in the universe is more powerful than a Disney franchise. Not even Thanos can kill it. 

Andy Garcia has not aged well. 

Get out of my head, Mysterio!!!

And yet here we are still waiting on an Operation Dumbo Drop remake. Ray Liotta isn’t going to live forever!  

I get together with my parents and siblings every Sunday to watch 300. As a typical Snyder superfam, we are stoked for this release. 

My profile already says I’m into dragons and fucking, so I’m covered. 

Does Hulu still play the same commercial for Hulu shows over and over again? 

But she marked it “Spacehog” so fair game. 

We had one long summer being chased by a Gelatinous Cube, but that was more tedious than terrifying.

It retained it. And it crushed overseas. So go fuck yourself. 

From the people that revolutionized social media with Google+