
I can’t find your Kickstarter link. 


I assume without reading the article that he pissed himself in excitement to be working on the greatest post-apocalyptic dragon movie of all time.

Stop trying to make Mulaney happen. 

Looking for someone to explain who this is, what is K-pop, and why Sheldon Cooper is involved. 

They’re here. Let me introduce you to the shadow Kinjaversa of the Greys, but beware, once you see this hidden world, you will never be the same. 

“You have failed this network.”
-The CW 

Above is my first try implementing AI commenting software. Any feedback? 

Just getting closer and closer to my lifelong dream of bringing back Wings to network television.  

If you watch the whole thing he finally explains how to date Natalie Dormer. 

To be fair, that’s io9's review of everything.

It has an 85% on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s hardly scanning as “mediocre”. Capt America: The First Avenger only hit 80% for reference. 

“Let’s be honest here: Being taken as a hostage by Univision is never fun. It’s always scary and dangerous, and the sort of corporation who would take innocent websites hostage and threaten their comment sections just so they could make some money is not the sort of company you ever want to spend much time with.

Brett Ratner is caught in a time loop of remaking this sequel until it’s good. 

They let James Earl Jones get away as children, and now’s he back, twenty years later murdering kids and the only thing that can stop him is the Sandlot Gang.

Literally filed under “opinion”, not “facts.”

Yeah, it would be like eating Tide Pods because everyone is eating Tide Pods. Would never happen in real life. 

The users gave Transfomers 85% which was more than enough to burn the feature to the ground. 

Keep your head down, do good work, and be prepared to listen to Mafia shit for the rest of your life every time an Italian is brought up.

Are you saying that Ernie the Kinja Tech lied to us about the glorious wonders of a platform that nobody uses outside the Gawkerverse?