
So this is Red Sparrow 2?

It’s why they had to change the name to Syfy!

Nobody should give more than a passing shit about Ghostbusters is the correct opinion.

I keep hoping that this will be a stoner comedy with Tom Bombadil. 

We needed extra time for that twenty-minute long hobbit fuck-fest. 

The Internet is fine. It’s the comments that have got to go. 

I’m just here to loudly state that I will not be purchasing this streaming service, thus asserting my social dominance over everyone. 

In a future comment, I will mock DC while praising Marvel.

I get that. I was just being a dick because I’m old and I hate everything.

I’ve lived long enough to see people take “Aquaman: The Movie” as a serious concept. This truly is the darkest timeline.

I was about to go, then remembered I’m over the age of 10. 

They love music. As long as it’s Taylor Swift. 460 articles and counting according to Google.

We’ve been in full 90s nostalgia since 2001.

We’ve been in full 90s nostalgia since 2001.

Yeah, but now we have Recognitions! 

Everything on Twitter is controversial. 

I always fast forward through dream sequences. 

It’s all about ethics in snark journalism. 

You forgot the storytelling. A climatic CGI punch fest against a dude that has the exact same powers? Mindblowing.  

Welcome to 2019 Grandpa! 

Sir, before I murder you on this field of battle, you must first reveal your rank to me.