Yep, as someone one time told me "Stop Making Stupid People Famous!"... ;)
Yep, as someone one time told me "Stop Making Stupid People Famous!"... ;)
I’m really looking forward to this one, also Idris Elba, good choice!
Amazing times to live in (also sometimes sad times)
Yeahh, well, just taking my meds (faithfully), and surround myself by loved ones... ;)
Ahh, that clarifies a lot, as far as I know (and understand) schizoprhrenia is caused by a (mostly genetically) imbalance in the serotonin and dopamine receptors, which causes delusions and hallucinations, I’ve had a few of these episodes in my life, and it’s like being awake and still having a nightmare (no fun),…
Hehe, I've had schizoprenia since 15 years old, I hope he makes an accurate description... ;)
There were lots of funny ideas in this movie, including the VR game and the upgrade of the nerd's robotic girlfriend, all in all, it was a fun ride... :)
Damn, I liked this one as well, even watched it on VHS...
Will check out Daisy Diamond...
I (for one) salute you.... :)
I know, she goes through some tough shit... :(
In the original Scandinavian Milleniums she play her role absolutely perfect (in my book) the rest of the actors are not bad either, subdued and precise... :)
True, in my book, she is awesome, don't forget to check out the millenium movies, where she got here fame (if you've hadn't already)
I would watch the hell out of that, he was an inspiration for me in my childhood!
In front of my PC, in the middle of the night, don’t care... ;)
That was oddly hypnotic... :)
Thank You for Your time on this site, and yes SF and Fantasy and everything in between, is about sense of wonder, science is quickly catching up to our imaginations... ;)
This indeed a zero kelvin cool performance...
I was just being sarcastic, I don’t judge actors on their fuckability, I like to be told a story...
What’s wrong with Asian actors? Not white or ‘fuckable’ enough?