
ahh... the neverending Android/iOS war... fight on!

people talk about wanting new game experiences. but the reality is they don't. they just want to play the same games they're always used to, in the same ways they're used to. there's a reason the notion "creatures of habit" exists.

OMG! I didn't know other people played this game too! my brother and I used to do this all the time.

if it's available to use, I always go Ethernet. faster. lower latency. more reliable. more secure. All my AV equipment is hooked via Ethernet. My gaming consoles as well (except the Wii which is wifi only). All my desktops are Ethernet connected. my house is prewired for Ethernet so it makes it all a lot

LOL. Atom got pwned...

did they even watch the movie beforehand? in the second picture, she's supposed to be bathed in the glow of the yellowish light. in the BR version, you can't even tell she's being lit.

yeah, I could see it as a PSN download as well. $60 is crazy for this game.

it doesn't matter what's running behind the scene. it's what we see with our eyes. does it pass the eyeball test? is this the game that you're going to pay $60 for to show off your PS4???

nothing about this looks next-gen... O_o

just say "porn!" to start recording...

you do realize that the Xbox One Kinect (time of flight technology) is totally different from the 360 Kinect (structured light)? the Xbox One Kinect came from the 3DV and Canesta companies that Microsoft bought a few years ago. time-of-flight tech is superior better, but it was too expensive back then so they bought

the best was hearing the commentary for that fight... the commentator (the Asian dude) left me and my brother on the floor dying with all the "oil" talk. "oiled hakan, one of the scariest characters!" "okay, no more oil, this is a huge problem for infiltration." "OMG! What's he going to do? He's all out of oil!"

yes, because delicate $1500 glasses and football go hand-in-hand. it makes far more sense to use the GoPro because those things are durable.

it seems to me your tastes are just evolving. you still prefer the single player experience which means the Xbox really isn't that important since it's the social aspect that draws people to Xbox.

that looks like the special effects for Star Trek: TOS...

dude. you just made up a bunch of BS. if you don't know how a 360 works, don't talk about it.

technically you weren't supposed to share like that on the 360 but it's how people "shared" a game. but the big disadvantage is if you sign in as gamer A on the secondary console, it signs gamer A OUT of any other console, including the primary console.which means the real owner (gamer A) cannot do anything related

that was a fake document on Pastebin that was debunked...

so when did setting low prices equate to price fixing??? wow. apple fanboy working OT...

it is kind of like a QTE. if you press the button too fast, you'll break up your combo. i've watched plenty of people play Batman and they all end up button mashing the block and action buttons and never getting beyond 8x.