
demos at shows don't give you the time to learn the game. it's loud. it's crowded. the easiest games to demo at shows are racers and FPS games because most of them are derivatives of things people have played and everyone's on the same footing. a single-player game like Batman is harder to demo. you didn't see

no, the gameplay is like Batman where it's at first like QTE when you're simply fight and react. but as you get the timing right, the combo builds up and the moves get more violent.

looks like the opening shot from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2...

OMG! can you imagine the terror of seeing Wolverine fly toward you with full claws extended???

no way! 2 whole games! what a smorgasbord!

so it'd be safe to say it's a major epic event that happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

I love Porco Rosso! probably my favorite. the humor was good. the romance was great. watching the plane fly in the distance with the islands and the sun coming through... just gorgeous...

wow. ODST at #2... O_o

so deliver the game that was asked for when you wanted $400K. that's like telling a person, give me $15K to buy a Civic and you come back and say, well, we can't get you a Civic but we have a Corvette for $60K. please come up with the remainder so that you can get the Corvette.

" if millions of Playstation voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced."

I doubt you have used one...

damn... one fine box... now add a touchscreen and you have my money (am enjoying a number of touch games in Win8).

or it could be because he wanted to move home and live in his real house with his wife and kids in San Francisco... i know, i know. crazy that you'd want to live with your wife and kids rather than couple hundreds of miles away in Seattle.

no thanks. I'll stick to AA eneloops. works fine with the Xbox One controllers.

this has been talked about for awhile... removing redundant management within Microsoft as they have too many divisions that are not coordinating with the other divisions. the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

easy. lack of memory (not much you can do with 32 MB of system RAM). strange hardware design. no standard hard drive. lack of flash storage. no online infrastructure. it didn't have an Ethernet port until the Slim came out and that was in response to the original Xbox having it (but if you don't have it in all

it really is all about the games and the ecosystem. specs don't mean much if you can't do anything with it. PS3 fans kept saying how superior the PS3 was but it didn't even have party chat after 7 years and counting. the creators said due to lack of memory... that's some poor vision, only have 256 MB of system RAM

for my Android, I use Feedly. for Windows 8, I use News Bento.

the PS4 is the new Duke controller...

I love Feedly for my Android tablet. I wish it was available for Windows 8! On the Win8 side of things, I like News Bento.