
there were a lot of reasons to believe the pastebin document was a fake.... but who cares now. the plan is dead.

no it wouldn't have. any messages would've been drowned out by the "oh, you're taking away my rights as a gamer". in fact, Kotaku spent significant effort to publish those pieces rather than just reporting what was out there. during E3, it was like 80% editorial pieces having to do with draconian DRM and only 20%

I'm glad that certain populations of gamers got what they wanted.

places like Kotaku wouldn't care anyway. they ignored everything about the games and the system and just went on a tirade how discs are better and we were "losing our rights"... O_o

yeah, isn't it funny? none of the press really talked about the game sharing plan until now... that was a game changer. so was the convenience of being able to load any of your games any time without a disc in the drive.

yeah, it was the game sharing I was most interested in. I have no desire to pay for sports games for example. but if someone bought madden, i'd check it out.

yes, there's no distinction between disc and digital. you buy the disc, install it and now you own the digital version. you can bring the disc over to install it at the other house and play it there for faster install. or you can download it to that xbox one.

dammit! take us to ludicrous speed! now!

yeah, but it can't fly at mach speed, can't do loops, can't go into the stratosphere, doesn't have machine guns or missiles, and doesn't look this cool...

you should check out the end credits for Ghost Recon Future Soldier. 43 minutes. though they could've shortened it by a lot if they used multiple columns (like Gears of War) instead of a long scrolling single column.

dude, it's minecraft. the most played Xbox game behind Black Ops II.

it's because you're used to that. I was used to it too. But after seeing it streamlined for the 360, I got kind of jealous. it really is neat to just have the materials you need to build something. no need to arrange it. and it has a pop-up text to say what the object does, how to use it, what materials you need

yeah, but the PC interface sucks compared to the 360 one...

full transcript of interview:

it sounds entirely legit. it provides various scenarios in what type of questions a salesperson or Xbox representative (like those manning the Microsoft booth at E3) is expected to receive from people and how to handle and respond to the hard questions by giving vague answers.

the best thing not discussed commonly is the family share plan. up to 10 people per family. can access any game of any of those 10 people. the family doesn't have to be relatives. can be friends. already 3 biggies talked about it (Aaron Greenberg, Phil Spencer, and Mehdi). Major Nelson is going to post a blog

don't confuse multiplayer servers with authentication servers.

LOL. you've never programmed before, have you? sure the tools get better but you still have to write the program. it's like having putting more resources around you for writing that essay. having a thesaurus, a dictionary, a quotes book, etc. next to you. but you still have to write the essay.

I'm not sure how any system can work because gamers take advantage of any system. I know some of the worst people I've met on Xbox Live had sterling ratings because their cliques would boost each others rating up.