
the current kinect works in the complete darkness (awesome way to play games like Child of Eden). the only time the kinect totally spazzes is when there's a lot of sunlight in the room (the IR in sunlight overwhelms the IR from the Kinect).

troll harder. the PS4 eye is only a pair of RGB cameras. no better than the RGB web cam.

I think they wanted it to be like the iPad and just call it the new Xbox. but that would cause a lot of problems (such as being able to google it).

well, duh. it's the opening movie to the game.

they said E3 was for the games... pay attention.

it's been 8 years because the gaming's been so good. no one's really in a hurry to start all over. it's different than last gen. online gaming was really only on the original Xbox the last round and it was simple compared to the 360's online. gaming at 480P (and not all games were 480P either)... people noticed

but that's under the old flickr plans. they're being redone to fit the new flickr plans.

do you have a link that says that?

Tuesday, May 21st @ 1p ET/10a PT/17:00 GMT
(You can watch this on via the live global stream that will be available on Xbox LIVE and and Windows Phone.
If you are in the US or Canada, you can also watch the broadcast on Spike TV.)

The POST SHOW PANEL hosted by Major Nelson will be at 3p ET/12n

yay! I loved Flickr because of its interface and features. But I didn't want to pay for it. if it really is free, I'm back!

neat. but I'll just touch the screen.

You can watch this on via the live global stream that will be available on Xbox LIVE and and Windows Phone.

if you have an N64, NES, SNES, Wii, etc. and you say you're a Nintendo owner, you're not wrong. you're just trying to be pedantic. don't be comic book guy....

which is still a TurboGrafx with a CD player. it'd be like saying I have a Playstation which refers to the Playstation brand so whether it's the PSX or the PS2 or the PS3 or the PS4, it wouldn't be wrong to say I have a Playstation.

looks like the NEC TurboGrafx

please stop talking. it makes you look more silly. you're confusing the registers with the color depth. a 64-bit processor means a 64-bit register which can store 2^64 (18 quintillion) values. when people refer to 8-bit graphics, it's a misnomer. they're really talking about the graphics produced from a

i had a true LOL with L-Burna...

looks like some cheesy good fun.

you haven't been following the news, have you?

maybe it's because online passes would become redundant since both the PS4 and next Xbox supposedly give the publisher's the ability to block used games if they so choose to...