
make chrome a touch browser!!! that's more important than voice.

I thought one of the purposes of Google Glass is to record action videos from the perspective of the user... man, google has a problem with marketing if people don't even know what to use the glasses for.

if they're durable, they're more valuable than Google Glass. I'd never take google glass into a sporting event. get them knocked off by an arm to the head while playing basketball? $1500 gone. have them fall off while mountain biking?

I'm all for Win8. it has all that makes windows great. but now it adds more features that let me do even more. that's why it's a PC. personal computing. the way i like it. :D

I'd take Shazam over Superman any day...

how can Anakin be fighting himself??? is this one of those weird time travel things...

you clearly don't know how CC works. features were moved cloud-side. no matter how you try to hack it, it's still server-side...

"a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of [pirating] voices suddenly cried out in terror..."

enough comic book guy...

now you're just doing an exercise in pedantry... when I mean the world, it's generally accepted I mean the computing world. sure, there are villages in africa that have never heard of photoshop. stop being comic book guy.

they can't pirate it if they can't authenticate it. it's one of the reasons companies have been wanting to move everything to the cloud for the past 20 years.

well, it looks like the cloud is the way that Adobe can crack down on all the piracy for photoshop and the suite. it's like the second most heavily pirated software after windows. and yet every person in the world is pretty decent at using photoshop even though it's so expensive.

show of hands for those that want to pay for Youtube?

crunchy roll is also on the xbox. there's also Manga Entertainment. there's also neon alley. Crackle has a decent amount of anime and it's usually the subbed version.

you never have mass murders with knives. a guy stabs someone, everyone else can run away. harder to run from bullets. and most of these knives incidences end up in injury, not death.

never understood why people thought she was attractive. her proportions were terrible.

Now playing

this guy has the top score of all of Tetris Evolution... pretty crazy...