Hegel Exercises

Oh, man. I forgot that was a thing that happened. I'd rather you hadn't reminded me.

I didn't laugh at the CNN pregnancy test, but it was a pretty solid premise. That counts as a win these days.

I also thought of the Dodge Stratus sketch after the dog food one; that's about as favorable an SNL comparison as I can make.

I was shocked to find that this Sheeran guy isn't getting pilloried. He was awful, in exactly the way you described.

Next one's coming faster.

I think the explanation @Mister gives is probably right, but yours is way, way more fun.

Ah, right, right. That rings a bell.

I forget; is Katherine Hale's husband dead, or just imprisoned?

Steenburgen as badass mob boss is the kind of thing that never would've occurred to me, but now I can't wait for more.

The lack of stakes is definitely a problem, and Quarles's descent into desperation was one of the things I really liked about S3. I would've liked it much, much better if the clumsily-psychologized sex-murderer angle had been left on the cutting room floor, though.

I think it might be the case that Justified has never quite been able to figure out how and to what extent it wants to be a serialized drama. Each season after the first has taken a different approach (s2 focused on place, s3 on 'big bads', s4 on a single overarching case, and I agree with whoever said that s5 seems

In theory, this should work; one of the touchstones of Leonard's work is that, when you get right down to it, criminals are usually morons, so the Crowes ought to fit in great.

This has definitely been my least favorite season of Justified to date. The Ava in prison arc is the worst offender for all the reasons everyone has already pointed out, but I also can't bring myself to give two shits about the wider Crowe family and their travails. (I think Rappaport & Witt have done pretty well with

I think both these things — to corrupt Will, and to bring him out in the open where he's more vulnerable — are part of Hannibal's plan.

I think it's that quiet tension & the relative importance of 'domestic drama' that probably does it.

Yeah, that's a real shame. I think The Americans and Hannibal are the best dramas on TV by a long-shot, myself, and it would've been tough for me to pick between them.

Yeah, I feel you … except how far from a monster is he, really?

This is a cold war, Space Jewess; you better know what you're fighting for.

I know the show is intended to make our sympathy for Elizabeth & Philip a troublesome thing, but this is the first time I can remember actively rooting against them. The exfiltration of the scientist was really rough.

I thought that was a really nice touch. I was also a little flummoxed by the Israeli concern over a single agent at first.