Hegel Exercises

I think I read that scene very differently, and I acknowledge at the outset that some of my own personal shit may be distorting my view here. To me, the whole exchange was Marty trying every trick in the book to get her to back off, and to avoid at all cost the experience of real intimacy (and the real honesty that

My favorite story about Kafka: he would read his stories to a group of friends, and they would laugh uproariously.

Can we get James Earl Jones & Malcolm McDowell to read these exchanges?

Oh. Man, that's sad. I probably should've thought about that, but that would require thinking about just how long ago it was that Twin Peaks aired and, by extension, my own descent into middle-age and beyond.

Andre Braugher's deadpan (plus adorable puppies) is perhaps the only sufficient response to Rustian nihilism possible.

Yeah, I don't think you need to be an atheist (or even agnostic) to sign on to that particular opinion.

Since we're talking freshman philosophizing here, we can't forget Nietzsche: “every great philosophy so far has been…the personal confession of its author and a kind of involuntary and unconscious memoir." No one's going to accuse Rust's philosophy of being great, but it attains dramatic heft because it's so

And the freeze frame on Mr. Gas Mask was pure Lynch. Killer.

God, I hate the fucking Super Bowl. Two weeks till the next episode? Fuck you.

Make a kickstarter for the script, Scrawler. You'll be funded in two shakes.

Yeah, it's a pleasant show to watch. It's never been appointment TV for me, but it's an agreeable way to pass an hour when an hour needs passin'.

The first two episodes are pretty much the worst of the bunch, as I recall. I liked them enough not to get turned off of the show, but if they'd been representative, I'm not sure I'd have finished the season.

I'm sure I'll freak out a bit at the start of next season, but right now, I'm looking at it the exact same way: if Yost & Olyphant want to end it, then it's good to end it.


Can't remember the exact exchange, but the 4/9ths of the Supreme Court line was killer.

Yeah, as an episode, this was … ok, I guess? I mean, having already been tipped to the big change, the things that might've made the episode exciting and surprising were neither of those things.

Yeah, +1 to those who said no one's going to be able to talk you into the series if you're not feeling it. The only thing I'd say in virtue of continuing on with season 2 is that the secondary characters become a bigger (and funnier and weirder) part of the show as it goes on. Watching just the first season

If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college.

Yeah, I'm totally in. With McConaughey, Harrelson, the cinematography, the scriptwriting, the moodiness, all of it. Is the territory the show's traversing pretty well-trod at this point? Yeah, but with acting and writing and shooting this good, who gives a shit?

So this means the Australian Open article won't be far behind, right?