
I’m going to try to upack one paragraph of this drivel as I am a masochist:

I was just thinking this. As long as said proclivities aren’t a part of her CHILD-REARING, whotf cares?

Ugh, that’d be gross though if he brings up her sex life as a reason she’s an unfit mother.

Either winsome crone or lustful seagull. I can’t remember.

I’m also quite fucking sure that it didn’t take her five fucking years to figure it out. Are we going to have a discussion about cross racial adoption in Dirt Bag now? Is that what she wants? Jesus.

Agree. Wow, is it not ok for her to adopt and worry about her child and encourage her? Snark where snark is due, please.

No. Absolutely nothing

In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.

I’m pretty damn sure Uwe Boll had nothing to do with Fitzcarraldo, as he was 14 when it was filmed by Werner Herzog

I’m certain you’re not right on at least one of those. Uwe Boll, though, does torture us all.

I voted for Clinton the Working Families ticket. Because, as this viral twete puts it,

A game-changer for ladies with fine hair that can’t handle heavier leave-in conditioners. Detangles masterfully, reduces frizz, and provides humidity, color, and thermal protection. Been using it for years.

A game-changer for ladies with fine hair that can’t handle heavier leave-in conditioners. Detangles masterfully,

I’ve been here for years, and am fully capable of recognizing how many of these wounds were completely self-inflicted. I find Thiel’s victory troubling from a freedom of the press standpoint but Gawker’s petty childish bullshit enabled it to happen, and honestly I’m almost madder at them. They created the perfect test

The good news for childless women: people mostly lay off when you hit 40 (if you’re single, at least). I think they’re afraid I’ll blow my brains out if reminded I’m a childless spinster. So I feel no pressure AND I (mostly) get to do whatever the fuck I want, whenever I want. (I still have to go to work and shit.)

This will forever and always be the best Vine:

Giuliani: Real-life Nosferatu (y / n)?

Now playing

Seth Myers’ White House Corespondents’ Dinner stint is a really unappreciated gem, especially for his Trump-focused shots.

Donald Trump: Less popular than Black men committing property crimes.

Legit in my experience. I don’t understand how people remarry, I can’t imagine another emotional investment

Ooooh, look everybody, found the vegan.