
I’ve had to take my kids there a couple times. I didn’t have beer. I wish I did.

Listen man, I’ve said and done some things I’m not proud of, but ain’t no way I’m putting cranberries in mac & cheese.

I’m hoping a few white players get their lily asses steamrolled during games.

The NFL is getting TONS of money for playing the anthem and doing the flyovers and all the rest of that shit from the military, it’s all a recruitment tool for our seemingly neverfuckingending wars.

I wish I could buy the water-thrower a drink. I would hope whomever did it never had to buy a drink in the Twin Cities ever again.

If you have the money, you can get pretty much any car in any color combo you want. I wouldn’t go the Jack Baruth route and do lime green paint with butterscotch interior, but I’m a man with simple tastes, metalflake reds are my jam.

Now playing

I don’t get into Warhammer, but I find these videoes hilarious:

Weird, it’s like people are realizing the president’s a dumbass or something...

Then please explain why we’ve never seen a Honda Civic or a Ford Fiesta in a rap video.

Another reason is because small cars in the US are also seen as something “poor” people drive. Crossovers/SUVs/giant trucks/large cars are things “successful” or “rich” people drive.

Uh, no

You might want to look at how much meat and dairy comes from California.

All those broke-ass red states that complain about California, I’m looking DIRECTLY AT THE FLYOVER STATES, that get tax dollars from Californis can suck a bag of dicks. They need the West more than the West needs them.

For whatever reason, the Sportster is called “a girl’s bike”. Which always bothered me; when it was introduced it was the only time Harley looked at the competition from Europe and said “we need to do what Triumph and Norton are doing.” For years it was the fastest bike Harley made, and was at the time known as “The

A lot of Harley’s problems are from within, their unwillingness to offer a more diverse product line, like their competitors do. Then there’s the issue of pricing, the bikes cost too much. We all know that.

Yeeeeeaaahhhh... if I’d have known how much douchebaggery would have happened with some of those people, I would have not chose to spend time with them.

Brodozers and the YO! YO! STANCENAYSHUN thing are two extreme ends of the spectrum that are both stupid and fucking pointless.

I love her. I live in Utah and wish to all that is holy I could vote for her.