
of for fuckssakes.

Ain’t that the fucking truth. It seems like people I used to know from my teenage years into my twenties, the ones that I would go out for drinks with or go to punk shows with, they found Jesus, the Republican party and the NRA once they got into their thirties.

Of course it’s not coming to the US, it’s a two-door. In addition to thinking we NEED SUVs, we also think we NEED four-doors. Can’t have two-door sedans, now can we? That would be SILLY.

Did mine with a 280zx.


At this time last year I was in San Diego, if that explains anything.

I looked into the ST twins before I got my GTI. One of the the factors against them was insurance was too damn high.

It’s not like she said “Every time Sarah Huckabee-Sanders lies, her one weird eye spins wildly in the socket.”

Jack & Coke FTW. If it was good for Lemmy, you know, GOD, then it’s good for the rest of us.

I never wanted a 500 Abarth until I saw that blue one. Holy fuckballs that’s sexy business.

There’s just one: my late father’s funny car. He quit racing before I was born, but I feel like this car inspired or loomed over me all my life. There’s always been this part of me that either wished I could either started a race team with my dad, seen this car in person (I heard the body was restored several years

4/20 was Friday dude.

You left off Joe Joes, their version of Oreos. I have not done heroin, but those cookies must have heroin in them, they’re so fucking good.

Oh, and fuck the Astros, Gurriel’s a racist douche and Verlander’s a choad.

I thought that the team leading in a blow-out shouldn’t steal a base? But if the team losing sucks, too fucking bad.

I love it, and if you don’t you’re awful and probably kick puppies.

I actually like it and wish we could’ve got this in America.

As cool as it would be to have one of these cars, twenty-large is way too much. Cut the asking price in half and now we’re talking.

When I was in high school, I was in a car accident on April Fool’s Day. Since then, I do everything I can not to drive that day.

I would watch the fuck out of this