
It’s because of the Iphone...rounded corners are all the rage.

Right because I’m sure he’s the first person of any color to speak that way to cop.

“Honking your horn is road rage”

Doesn’t the jetta have circle tail lights too?

Ive got ER docs and paramedics in the family, they see this kind of thing, for real, every week. It just isn’t funny.

I read that in Clarkson’s voice “sell-eeka”.

How about donating the car to someone who needs it?

Ed was the only reason I enjoyed the show and don’t care enough to watch it without him. Mike just bothers me.

This is news to whom?

I got to test one in Reno a few weeks back and my god what a pile of shit.

If you drive anywhere in America on a daily basis then you can’t say the Autobahn is overrated.

Let me guess.....they’re making another War of the Worlds movie?

That’s a great answer to a question nobody asked.

No kidding. The whole northwest is filled with the trashiest people.

You obviously haven’t spent much time in the meth lab known as eastern Washington.

One day, when Nintendo is circling the drain, I hope they’re not looking back and wondering where they went wrong.

Meh...I’ll keep my Tacoma.

I don’t think it’s hideous. Unusual, but not offensive.

Carry 0 constitutions and don’t worry about your rights!