
Darwin catches up to these types sooner or later. Report and keep yourself safe.

Agreed. She looks 151 drunk for sure.

I wouldn’t buy any of the cars on this list.

Anyone who thinks Kaepernick “deserves” to play needs to go back and learn what playing on a TEAM really means. Kaep was out by himself, making a statement without his team’s support and became an outcast doing so.

And yet you still see the classics on the roads. There’s something to said about European interiors that stand the test of time.

It’s amazing how quickly and aggressively the police will act when protecting their own.

I had one. It was a royal piece of shit.

Remember when jalopnik was full of interesting articles and cutting edge auto news? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

I’ll look back to articles like this when I’m wondering why Jalopnik folded.

Drive it like you stole it?

You have to be tall and have decent hops to dunk a ball. Hitting a homer depends on coordination and strength, with no consideration for height. That seems to me that statistically there would be more people in the latter category.

Looks to me like the cop wasn’t even paying no attention. There wasn’t plenty of time to see the Smart car and yet he still turned in to the guy?

Cool car but the sponsor’s stickers ruin it for me. I prefer sleepers.

After a weekend of camping I had to do the old “egg in the radiator” trick to get me out of Eastern Oregon. That and a whole lot of extra coolant.

It kind of reminds me of the Z1 without the horrible sliding doors.

The problem with auto shows is that they advertise the event as one thing but when you get their it feels like you’re on a typical, boring showroom. There might be one exotic and a GT-R but generally it’s a showcase of bland vehicles.

Maybe in a 1000 years that car will be valuable.

/also, CP

All those choices with a range of mileage to expect the deferred maintenance to start adding up!