
Ford Tempo?

Looks like an old W201 or W143.

She loved him for his charming personality lol.

That’s not true. They do sell the 4runner in other countries but they offer the Fortuner at a cheaper price so people usually opt for those.

Came here to say this. My old 1994 Bronco had the most gutless 351 Windsor that was all torque. Would be a perfect engine for a swap.

I can’t imagine how bad it would be at that age. I got it at 23 and it was brutal.

People bought the Cherokee SRT and we didn’t get this outraged.

$75k as tested. That’s the beginning and end of their problems. No one would be questioning it if came fully loaded at ~$55k.

I’m sure it will once the head gaskets fail.

I think it’s hilarious. No one wants to see or hear your political beliefs while you’re working and they’re not going to sign a guy who they expect to be booed by half the stadium.

Cool story bro. It’s like the Peterman catalogue when Elaine promoted that guy from the mail room.

Meth heads.

They should’ve never tried to do the show without the people who made it what is was.

What a POS. I’m sure you’ll get about 2 weekends of stomping on that thing before it blows the engine.

Sounds like a typical dealership experience.

So really it was due her quick thinking and a good old ‘tuck and roll’, not the transmission.

It’s probably flood damage from the storms in San Diego last year.

No one wants to overpay for a GM. They were delusional by thinking these could compete with German brands.

Unreliable AF. My parents went against my advice and got the Chevy instead of the Tundra, and the POS has been in at least a half dozen times for recalls and little fixes to shit that shouldn’t be broken on a brand new truck.